We help develop
innovative designs

Our process and production explained

Pre-Concept Stage
1. Pre Concept Stage
Concept Development
2. Concept Development
3. Fabricator Selection
Product Design Completion
4. Product Design Completion
Dots Distribution
5. Distribution

1. Product Design

Our experienced team evaluate your design concept, this could be a hand drawn sketch or even developed to 3D render format. Once the in depth review has been completed, we will return your concept with comments focussing on the aesthetics and ergonomics of the design. Our role is to enhance your design concept, not to change it so we merely give our advice at this stage, if agreed by the designer will move on.

2. Product Development

Once we finalise the concept design with you we take it to the development stage in a bid to make your design feasible to be fabricated. At this stage we finalise the ideal dimensions, material content and manufacturing technique to bring the concept to life.

3. Fabricators

We work with a number of fabricators across the globe, all with their own material specialities so at this stage we would select the best manufacturer to collaborate with for your design. Drawing on the knowledge of our associated fabricators, we develop the fabrication drawings for your product design, bringing it one step closer to realisation.

4. Completion

This is the final stage of design, your concept is ready to go to market! We now furnish the data sheets with high level renders of your design along with the dimensions, materials and finishes so the product can be launched.

5. Distribution

This is the final dot to connect, who will sell your product into the market? We have a network of resellers in different territories across the world, each with a specific market segment. Once the best fitting reseller is selected, our development journey has been completed, design has been connected with delivery.

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